& of a certain age!
But let’s go back…way back…
Ok, I’ve got to channel my younger self for this one. It was the 1980s in the Village in NYC. Three little letters: HIV. I’m an NYU student and loving life. Studying, dancing, learning and loving-hard! It was a slightly promiscuous time and I was in the best playground for love & fun. The clubs were a blast: Pyramid, Peppermint Lounge, Danceteria, Limelight (we affectionately nicknamed “Slime-light”) Area, The World – I’ll stop there for now. Then we started to hear of this disease, and then we paused. Did sex stop? No, but we used caution. Many of my friends were gay and bisexual but regardless of one’s sexual orientation, we all made sure we were tested, healthy & practiced safe sex. Sadly many of our friends passed but that made us more mindful & we will always hold them in our hearts.
And Now in 2020
Two things!
Just as we continued a certain lifestyle back in the 80s, we still made sure not to endanger others. Without going on a political tangent, my thoughts are that we are all in this together so think of others when forging out into your community!
So as I thought and googled “Single in the Age of a Pandemic” I stumbled across this:
So I guess here are some options if you’re renting not buying when all this is “over”
1) Reconnect with an old bootie call.
2) Still meet but don’t have sex right away.
3) DIY Sex!
4) Read a book & drink at home.
But here’s the thing! I’m Solo Not Lonely!
Solo people often hear, “Don’t you wish you had someone to be quarantined with?”
Umm, not really!
First off, my apartment is small! Secondly…
I Choose To Be Solo!
Additionally, I’m an only child so I am pretty content alone. I’m also an introverted extrovert so as much as I feed off the energy of crowds & people, partly in my DNA from growing up in NYC, I then need to retreat & recharge just as much.
And lastly, I have lessons from Grief or
How to be comfortable with oneself.
I became proficient at recalculating “lonely” into creativity & productivity. 3 things: sit down, shut the fuck up & think. Maybe this is all a sign that we need to be more, yes, mindful. Sit with your feelings & all those voices in your head! Quiet them down. Eliminate the distractions. Perhaps we need to do that so much that the universe has done it for us?
In the meantime…
Be grateful, practice self care, recalculate. Update your own operating system. Stay positive. Meditate. Visualize a positive outcome. Will our world be different? Will it be all “Demolition Man” & use three sea shells for toilet paper? I don’t know but that movie takes place in 2030! And how will “online dating” change?